Monday, December 9, 2024

Ten Years After

No, not the somewhat mediocre (sorry, Alvin) band from the 70s (remind me to recount the tale of their concert at Red Rocks, where I spent part of my stoned evening hanging out with John Lennon). Rather, it's been 10 years since I wrote the Christmas post of darkness and dream.  Heres a very concise catch-up on much that has transpired since then. I'm still (lovingly) with Vincent. I'm a Gran to our dear little Wren now. I have completely reinvented myself as a Licensed Caregiver. I work, I laugh, I play, I cry, I dance and sing and love telling dad jokes. I seldom read anymore. I hurt a lot now...two types of arthritis has that effect. I own a 125 yr old house, a four yr old car, and enjoy the pleasure of two very lovely cats. I lead a small, quiet life, and generally content.

More anon...